Short and long term impact of the Paraguayan War on female labour participation
Boggiano, Barbara
Albornoz, Facundo
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Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía
This paper investigates the short and long-term effects of the Paraguayan War (1864-1870)
on female labour participation. This conflict cost the lives of 60% of Paraguay’s population, disproportionally affecting the active male population in the eastern part of modern
Paraguay. The loss of males’ life had an immediate demographic consequence, gender imbalance, which defined Paraguay as the ‘country of women’. Using unique archival data, the
results indicate that municipalities that were more affected by the war exhibit higher levels
of female labour participation in the short and long run. Identifying variation comes from
comparing municipalities closer to the military camps established in 1864 to municipalities
farther away.
Fil: Boggiano, Barbara. Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía; Argentina.