Seminarios de Economía

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Colección's Items (Ordenados por Fecha en Ascendente orden): 201 a 220 de 246
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Vista previaFechaTítuloAutor/aTemas
jul-2000The effects of permanent inflation stabilization on firms debt maturity : a case study of Argentina--
jul-2000Crime, inequality and unemployment--
ago-2000Learner and meaner? Size, concentration, and lobby formation--
ago-2000Law, institutions and growth : a semiparametric study--
ago-2000Optimal annuitization policies : analysis of the options--
ago-2000On the timing of balance-of-payments crises : asymmetric information and interest rate policy--
ago-2000On inflation as a regressive consumption tax--
sep-2000Distribution costs and real exchange rate dynamics during exchange-rate-based-stabilizations--
sep-2000Elementos para una teoría económica unificada de la responsabilidad civil contractual y extracontractual--
sep-2000The effect of contingent credit lines on bankþs liquidity demand--
nov-2000Economic development as a matter of political geography--
dic-2000Business cycles and firm dynamics in small emerging economies--
2001Fiscal federalism in Argentina : policies, politics, and institutional reform--
2001The institutional foundations of public policy : a transactions approach with application to Argentina--
mar-2001Statistical properties of sovereign credit ratings--
abr-2001Political regimes, instability and economic growth--
may-2001Order-restricted preferences and strategy-proof social choice rules--
may-2001Using a terrorist attack to estimate the effect of police on crime--
may-2001A closed-form solution for defaultable bonds with log-normal spread--
jun-2001Multidimensional mechanism design : optimal pricing in a multiple-good monopoly--
Colección's Items (Ordenados por Fecha en Ascendente orden): 201 a 220 de 246
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