La Sociedad de Beneficencia de Buenos Aires : conversaciones, administración y tutela en los años fundacionales, 1823-1835
Jojot, María Cristina
Pita, Valeria Silvina
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Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Humanidades
Esta tesis indaga las experiencias sociales de las mujeres fundadoras de la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Buenos Aires, entre 1823 y 1835. Busca conocer cómo las socias de la beneficencia, llamadas por el gobierno para dirigir el Colegio de Huérfanas y fundar escuelas en la ciudad y la campaña, encontraron en estas instituciones, un espacio de intervención y tutela sobre las niñas pobres del pueblo, decidiendo con la clase política las formas que guardarían estos asuntos de índole colectivo y público. Examina al mismo tiempo a los sujetos que transitaron estos escenarios: niñas pobres, niñas huérfanas, madres, maestras, artesanos, vecinos del pueblo, es decir, sujetos de variada composición social que se cruzaron en estas instituciones. Observando sus dinámicas se pudo comprender, la trama de conflictos y consensos que recorrieron estos espacios, y analizar de qué manera un sitio creado para contener a las niñas pobres, podía ser funcional en otros sentidos: para las mujeres de la elite, como un espacio de intervención en asuntos políticos en estos momentos fundacionales de los gobiernos independientes; para los habitantes del pueblo, como un lugar para presentarse como sujetos con derechos, ya sea reclamando el cumplimiento de los mismos y/o denunciando su ausencia, re-significando los usos y representaciones de la institución benéfica.
This thesis inquires on the social experiences of the founding women of the Buenos Aires Charity Society, between 1823 and 1835. Tries to understand how its members, summoned by the Government to lead the Orphans School and to establish schools in the city and the countryside, found in these institutions an intervention and guardianship space over poor girls, deciding, together with the politicians the way these public and collective affairs would be handled. At the same time, it examines the subjects that acted in these scenarios: poor girls, orphan girls, mothers, teachers, craftsmen, village neighbors, this is, people with a varied social origin that operated in these institutions. Observing their dynamics we will be able to understand the plot of consensus and conflicts that circled these spaces, while analyzing in which way a place created to contain poor girls, could be functional in other ways: for the elite women, as a space to intervene in political affairs in these foundational times of the independent Governments, for the village inhabitants, as a place to rise as subjects with rights, either claiming for the fulfilment of them and/or denouncing their absence, renaming the uses and representations of this charity institution.
This thesis inquires on the social experiences of the founding women of the Buenos Aires Charity Society, between 1823 and 1835. Tries to understand how its members, summoned by the Government to lead the Orphans School and to establish schools in the city and the countryside, found in these institutions an intervention and guardianship space over poor girls, deciding, together with the politicians the way these public and collective affairs would be handled. At the same time, it examines the subjects that acted in these scenarios: poor girls, orphan girls, mothers, teachers, craftsmen, village neighbors, this is, people with a varied social origin that operated in these institutions. Observing their dynamics we will be able to understand the plot of consensus and conflicts that circled these spaces, while analyzing in which way a place created to contain poor girls, could be functional in other ways: for the elite women, as a space to intervene in political affairs in these foundational times of the independent Governments, for the village inhabitants, as a place to rise as subjects with rights, either claiming for the fulfilment of them and/or denouncing their absence, renaming the uses and representations of this charity institution.
Fil: Jojot, María Cristina. Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Humanidades; Argentina.
Jojot, M.C. (2017). La Sociedad de Beneficencia de Buenos Aires : conversaciones, administración y tutela en los años fundacionales, 1823-1835. [Tesis de maestría, Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Humanidades]. Repositorio Digital San Andrés.