Social Media platforms and civil society in Latin America :a view from the Nonprofit Organizations
Dvoskin, Brenda
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Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Derecho. Centro de Estudios en Tecnología y Sociedad
In the last decade, Latin American nonprofits have built new means and capacity to
participate in the governance of online content. At the same time, nonprofits in the region
face significant limitations to serving as meaningful actors in this space. This report
describes three types of engagements between nonprofits and social media companies;
they include the following: conversations about updates to content moderation rules,
discussions about decisions on specific pieces of content, and the Facebook Oversight Board
global consultation. The report focuses on three aspects of the engagement between
companies and nonprofits that constrain the potential for these interactions to translate
into policy development, including: the timing of the engagement, the scope of the
consultation, and companies’ internal structure. The final section introduces regional
projects that promise further involvement in content governance. This report shows the
preliminary findings of a qualitative study consisting of interviews with 23 participants from
17 organizations working in the region. Consequently, it describes the perspectives of the
nonprofits working in the space and their views on what limits their role and what reforms
could enhance it.
Fil: Dvoskin, Brenda. Universidad de San Andrés. Centro de Estudios en Tecnología y Sociedad; Argentina.